Building rich client side apps using Angular 2 talk at DDD 11 in Reading

Posted on Saturday, 3rd September 2016

This weekend I had the pleasure of speaking in front of this friendly bunch (pictured) at DDD 11, a .NET focused developers’ conference - this year hosted out of Microsoft’s Reading offices.

My talk topic? Building Rich client-side applications using Angular 2.

As a regular speaker at meet ups and the occasional podcast, this year I’ve been keen to step it up and move into the conference space. Speaking is something that I love doing, and DDD 11 was a great opportunity that I didn’t want to miss.

Having spotted a tweet that DDD were accepting talk proposals a number of weeks ago, I quickly submitted a few talks I had up my sleeve - with Building rich client-side apps using Angular 2 being the talk that received enough votes to get me a speaking slot - yay!

My talk was one of the last talks of the day so I had to contend with a room full of sleepy heads, tired after a long day of networking and programming related sessions (myself included). With this in mind I decided it would be best to step up the energy levels with a hope of keeping people more engaged.

Overall I think the talk went well (though in hindsight I could have slowed down a little bit!) and received what I felt was a good reception, and it was great to have people in the audience (some of whom are speakers themselves) approach me afterwards saying they enjoyed the talk.